Motorcycling in winter may sound like a kind of crazy idea to some folks, but they just might not be as adventurous as you are! If you love the thrill of riding your bike past snow-covered valleys and feeling the brisk, cold air on your face, then you should absolutely go for it! However, it pays to be prepared to deal with the unique challenges of riding your motorcycle in the wintertime, since it’s inherently more risky than riding on a warm, sunny day.

As your Wyoming motorcycle dealer, Peak Powersports, LLC, has drawn up our top tips for cold weather riding so that you can stay safe out there on all your winter rides.

Wear The Right Gear

Riding in the cold at higher speeds will leave you more vulnerable to hypothermia and frostbite if you aren’t careful. Make sure that you’re wearing the proper gear to keep yourself warm and comfortable. Layering up is your best strategy in this regard; you can insulate yourself better by wearing several thin layers of clothing, rather than one or two thick layers.

Wear thermal underwear of wool or polyester fabric, then top it with a few thin sweaters and some insulated riding gear or a one-piece riding suit. Insulated gloves, thick wool socks, a close-fitting wool hat under your helmet and a neck gaiter will help to keep the rest of you warm. You can even invest in heated riding gear or handwarmers for your pockets. Carry some extra layers and spare socks in your storage compartment to add as needed.

Check Your Tires

Colder temperatures can cause your tires to lose some of their pressure, which results in reduced traction. You also shouldn’t ride on worn tires. Make sure that you’re using a tire-pressure gauge to check the pressure of both tires and air them up to the recommended psi levels, or even a little bit higher than that, to account for lost pressure.

As you check the pressure, examine the sidewalls for cracks, the treads for excess or uneven wear and the whole tire for any embedded objects that need to be removed. Make sure to have any repairs done before you ride your bike again.

Take Care of Yourself

When riding your motorcycle in cold weather, you may need to curtail your ride if weather conditions worsen or it becomes too cold outside. If you feel your extremities begin to tingle or go numb, immediately pull off the road and get yourself indoors as soon as possible. Taking more frequent breaks is also recommended, since these breaks will give you a chance to warm up, drink water or warm beverages, have a snack and stretch your legs.

Ride Defensively

When riding in cold weather, you’ll be dealing with obstacles like slippery roads and reduced visibility. And not only will you be dealing with these plagues—so will all the drivers around you. So you’ll need to be more vigilant when riding in case the motorists around you begin to hydroplane or swerve.

Slow down your speed and maintain a following distance of several seconds to give yourself more room to stop. You’ll want to keep an eye on the road conditions ahead of you, in case sudden traffic congestion develops or there are patches of ice or snow you’ll need to avoid.

Stop by our Sheridan dealership today to investigate our full selection of motorcycles for sale. You can even take advantage of our financing options if you need them. Just talk to our staff and they’ll be happy to help you however they can. Peak Powersports, LLC, proudly serves all of our Wyoming customers, including those of you coming from Buffalo.